Lifestyle Family | New Orleans | The Roth Family Pt. 2
I recently met little miss Lillian a few months ago (You can view that session here, it's one of my favorites!)
And was so excited to see her again right before the holidays to document her christening and right before the holidays. Though not pictured, Martin was making a roux with leftover turkey bones from Thanksgiving to make gumbo. I have no idea why I never thought of doing that, but I am adopting that into my new family tradition after Thanksgiving!
I'm already loving seeing this little lady grow up and getting to hang out with Kelsea and Martin.

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Family Portraits, In Home, Lifestyle PhotographyTahJah HarmonyLouisiana photographer in home photos, louisiana family photographer, family photographer in new orleans, family photographer in louisiana, quaint and whim, motherhood photographer in louisianaComment