Personal | The Quaint Heart Project — TahJah Harmony

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Personal | The Quaint Heart Project

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.
— Albert Schweitzer

When my little brother whom I affectionately call "Toaster"  was born with many complications. I watched my mom take him to so many doctor appointments and different types of therapies. We would pray, she would stay strong. This time in the little Toaster's life went by as if the world was in fast forward and slow-motion at the same time. He went from infant to toddler right before our eyes. Once things settled down my mom realized that she didn't really have any pictures of him. Me an art major in photography, her the woman who had the first camera phone, was so busy in this moment that we didn't think to document baby photos of this little human miracle. 

So much of that story is the heart behind Quaint+Whim. My lifestyle approach of stress-free photo sessions are so that you can get professional images at your leisure. The thing is that no matter how carefree and relaxing I can make photo sessions, photography is indeed a luxury. I wanted to find a way to to serve the families going through what my family went through, and that is how The Quaint Heart Project was born.

The Quaint Heart Project is for families that have a child with a disability. The ones that have to be strong with taking their littles to several doctor appointments, the ones that feel like they live more in their car then at home. To the families that spend more time looking up, reading, and researching different things about their littles that they aren't looking up family photographers.

If you have a friend or family member that you would like to nominate for the very first Quaint Heart Project

This year I had enough families sign up for mini-sessions and a portion of the sale went towards paying for a beautifully bound family album. 

I've already received several entries, but I am not drawing a name until November 11th! So if you would like to nominate a family for The Quaint Heart Project please nominate here:

Nominate a family for the quaint heart project

I am super passionate about this project, and I cannot wait to gift a very deserving family this album!

I cannot wait to share with you all the family! Stay tuned, and please nominate! 


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