Personal | 10 Things About My Mom
The heart and soul of the person I am today come directly from my mother. So for this Mother's Day, I thought it would be fun to share 10 random things about my mom!
1 | My mom is a tomboy
My mom once cut all her hair off to play on the boys' football team and called herself Lee. She raced dirt bikes and even road motorcycles. (She used to pick me up from school on it!) She is the only one in the family that gets really into sports and loves MMA fighting. She is also a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. So basically my mom can beat your mom (I only sorta kid...)
2 | My mom is a writer
My mom taught me calligraphy, but she really instilled the importance of writing. She is always writing. From journaling to her to do lists, she is very old fashioned when it comes to taking notes. She has the most unique handwriting, and would even make an excuse for a sick day, look like you are receiving an invitation to a wedding.
My mom and I in front of Scribbulus (a Harry Potter Calligraphy Store! ^_^)
3 | My mom is a dancer
Well, both of my parents are dancers, they danced on the first day they met. And if not for that, they wouldn't have met and I wouldn't be here.
My Parents on my brother's wedding day
4 | She wore a pants suit to her wedding
I've only seen my mom in a dress ONCE and that was recently at my brother's wedding! Even at her own wedding, she wore a pants suit.
5 | She is STUBBORN
I jokingly always say I inherited most of my mom's bad qualities, but her stubbornness is something I for sure got from her. She is very set in her ways, and it would take an incredible force to change that about her. I am actually rather thankful I received that from her.
6 | She's the best Mom(Dad)
From car trouble to needing to lift heavy objects, I usually always call my mom for these things.
7 | She is the BEST listener
My mom ALWAYS listened to me. No matter what I was talking about. I've always appreciated that about her. She made me feel like my ideas and random babble was important.
8 | She has a thing for cutting the grass
No really, she loves cutting the grass, so much that she even cuts mine. The smell of cut grass always reminds me of her.
9 | She's a babe!
People usually think she is my younger sister, I'm not really okay with that... HA!
10 | She's my best friend
People always say that your parents shouldn't be your best friend, and I don't really know how she did it, but even at a young age, I saw her as a friend. Maybe it was because I'm the best daughter ever...and made parenting so easy ^_^
And guys can totally judge on the fact that I only have cell phone pictures of my mom!