Lifestyle Wedding Photography | New Orleans City Park Gardens | Joy+Stephen
Have you ever met a stranger and just knew that you two would bound to be friends. Well I didn't met Joy, at first, but from her first e-mail I just knew that we were bound to have our paths cross in some way. Joy has become my "e-pen-pal", and I have loved being apart of every moment that lead up to her big day.
It is no wonder why Stephen has such a love for this woman, she can really light up a room, and that light beyond illuminates when she is around him. This couple is the sole reason why I love to photograph moments in their purest forms.
When you put the importance of love first, some pretty magical things happen. Did I mention this lovely brides name is Joy, and that this wasn't planned?

Everything about this day was simply perfection! Their biggest detail being their love for each other and their kids. I wish the best for this little family's future. I am so thankful to capture such a small glimpse of their true love.
With grace+gusto,
TahJah Harmony